FreenetIS - repository server
This server provides software repositories that contain packages related to the FreenetIS information system.
All packages that are contain in repositories are signed by: freenetis_repo.gpg.key
Available repositories
Currenly we support only DEBIAN repositories for DEBIAN releases: squeeze, wheezy, jessie, stretch.
- FreenetIS stable contains current stable releases (e.g. FreenetIS 1.1.*) - in most cases you should use this repository
- FreenetIS oldstable contains old stable releases (e.g. FreenetIS 1.0.*) - not recomended to be installed, this repository should be used only for updating of old installations
- FreenetIS unstable contains current developer releases (e.g. FreenetIS 1.2.*) - not recomended to be run on product machines
More informations may be found on or on (Wiki documentation)